Airflow bastion ssh config
30 Apr 2018
A sample config for connecting to Airflow UIs using a bastion host in the middle.
ssh config :
Host dev-bastion
User rchamarthi
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/rchamarthi.pem
Host dev-airflow-rchamarthi
User rchamarthi
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/rchamarthi.pem
ServerAliveInterval 15
TCPKeepAlive yes
Protocol 2,1
# redis
LocalForward 16379 localhost:6379
# airflow ui
LocalForward 18081 localhost:8081
# airflow ui rchamart
LocalForward 18082 localhost:8082
# flower ui
LocalForward 15555 localhost:5555
ProxyCommand ssh dev-bastion -W %h:%p
If you are on windows.
- convert your pem file to ppk using putty gen. Load pem and then click “save private key” an save the file as .ppk
Don’t forget to save your session after you load your key.
Click yes to continue to cache the key.
- Now the actual server that you want to connect to by hopping on to Bastion 👍
C:\Program Files\PuTTY\plink.exe” dev-bastion -agent -nc %host:%port